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Got to love those sunny day sessions

Jason's answers

1)Mac or PC?Mac for sure

2)Dream car?96' caprice wagon. Bagged on 24's, if your gonna dream, dream big

3)If you could see any musician, past or present, who?The Zit Remedy

4)Favorite rider from the 80's?If you know any. Dave Clymer

5)Choose any place to live , other than where your at now?Sunny So.CAL.

6)If you could date any celebrity, who?Ashley Judd

7)Favorite sport, besides bikes?Duh, Hockey, but really like watching tennis as well

8)If you were an animal, which one would you be?Godzilla

9)Dream sponsor, outside of riding?An ATM sponsor would be nice, or petrol

10)Pants or shorts?Would wear shorts everyday if i lived some where warm.

and Brian's

1)Mac or PC? Mac. After working on the newer Macs and going back to a PC is like working on the old Commodore 64.

2)Dream car? Tesla. Fast as hell and I don't have to support the big oil companies

3) If you could see any musician, past or present, who? John Lennon

4) Favorite rider from the 80's? If you of know any. Craig Cambell. Dude was way ahead of his time

5 ) Choose any place to live, other than where your at now? Southern Oregon

6) If you could date any celebrity, who? Britney Spears. That would be fu.... wild man

7) Favorite sport, besides bikes? Is Guitar Hero a sport?

8) If you were an animal, which one would you be? Springer Spaniel. The ladies go nuts for mine. If only that was me.

9) Dream sponsor, outside of riding? B of A. They'd hook me up with free stocks and bonds.

10) Pants or shorts? Pants. Nobody wants to see my sticks

posted by ends at 8:43 PM


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